
Payroll Services

How about your payslips professionally enveloped, sealed and addressed to your employees on your behalf? We pride ourselves in using modern software to run your payroll processes on your behalf and providing you with up to the minute payroll reports.

We employ great software packages to handle all your payroll processes on your behalf.
Our services include:

  • Handling basic pay records
  • Social Security Deductions and Reports
  • Income Tax Deductions and Reports
  • Employee Loan management and records
  • Other payroll related transactions etc.
What sets us apart is that we develop all our payroll software packages ourselves and guarantee you a tailored payroll service.

Cost Reduction - Great Posibilities

One major advantage of outsourcing your payroll to us is that you get to cut a lot of cost off your budget. These cost may relate to:
  • Payroll Software cost
  • Payroll software maintenance cost
  • Printing cost
  • Stationery cost
  • Printer maintenance cost
  • Electricity cost
  • Payroll Staff salaries etc
A moderate payroll service fee from us and your can redirect your resources towards what actually gets your business running.

Accounting Services

We provide professional accounting services by using our state of the art accounting software packages to handle all your accounting record keeping and reporting needs.

We employ computerized accounting systems to capture and maintain your accounting records in order to make all your accounting reports readily available on call.

When it comes to generating accurate report in time, we are second to none. You are assured of customized reports that are relevant to your unique business operation.